New Study Indicates Weight Loss Surgery Can Reduce or Eliminate Need for Medication Used to Control Diabetes
A recent study conducted by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic looked at 150 obese patients with type-2 diabetes who underwent weight loss surgery. The findings showed that after three years’ time bariatric weight loss surgery helped many patients lower their blood sugar to healthy levels, allowing many to cease use of diabetes medications as well as insulin. Additionally, the surgery also reduced the need for medications to treat blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. The study compared two different weight loss surgery approaches against weight loss achieved through diet and exercise. According to the study, “37.5% of patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery and a quarter of those who had a sleeve gastrectomy procedure achieved blood sugar levels below the American Diabetes Association target and no longer needed diabetes medicines.” Only 5-10% of patients where still using insulin three years later, compared with 55% of the medical therapy group.
Dr. Sangeeta Kashyap, one of the study’s lead investigators, talked about the findings, “Initially we thought diabetes was a disease you could not reverse or end. We do realize now that there may be a treatment that could end diabetes for some people and that’s exciting.” The findings were recently presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting in Washington, and were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
“With about one-third of Americans being obese and so many of those same people facing diabetes-related complications, the Cleveland Clinic’s findings come as welcome news.” Dr. Mazin Al-Hakeem, a practicing physician at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. “By no means do we look at weight loss surgery as a panacea or think it is right for everyone. But this study, along with others, seems to suggest that it can indeed be a viable step for people who have been battling obesity and diabetes for an extended period of time.”
The Advanced Surgical Institute, located in Huntington Beach, California, is one of Southern California’s most well-known and respected health care facilities. The Institute offers plastics, weight loss surgery and post weight loss plastic surgery through its surgery centers in Huntington Beach. The Institute also offers a additional consultation center in Beverly Hills. Among other services, the Institute’s cosmetic surgical options include breast enhancement, liposuction, tummy tucks, mommy makeovers and rhinoplasty. Also, its weight loss surgery options include gastric band, beltplasty (body lift), gastric bypass, vertical Sleeve gastrectomy, standard Sleeve gastrectomy, spider Sleeve gastrectomy, longitudinal Sleeve gastrectomy, gastric restrictive surgery procedures. For more information log to or call (714) 969-2520.