Obesity has become an epidemic, with rates doubling from 15 to 30 percent in the past 35 years. People have turned to weight loss surgery to help them in their battle against obesity. Research is showing that one’s level of preparation before surgery has a significant impact on the eventual outcome of the procedure. See below for some things to consider as you investigate weight loss options:
Develop a Support System
Having a support system is very important before embarking on weight loss surgery. Have your friends and family write letters of support. This will let you know that people support your decision and will make the process easier. Also, consider keeping a journal. This will let you write your feelings down as you go through the process of weight loss surgery and will help you look back and see how far you have come when you are having a tough day and will remind you of your end goal. Have someone to help you during your healing process, such as family and friends. Having all of these factors in place well before surgery will help you with your emotional preparation.
Have Realistic Expectations and Be Patient
Knowing what to expect after surgery is a very important part of getting yourself mentally prepared. Recovery time from weight loss surgery is usually 1 week to 5 weeks. After surgery you need to develop good eating habits, exercise regularly, and take vitamins. Talk to people who have already had weight loss surgery so you will know what to expect.
Understand the Process
Understanding the weight loss surgery process is very important. Read articles, books, websites, and any information you can about your upcoming weight loss surgery to help prepare. Be sure to talk with others who have undergone weight loss surgery as well as those who have elected to try other weight loss approaches so you can make the best decision for you and your family.
Understand the Entire Process
If you plan on undergoing follow-up aesthetic procedures like a neck lift, arm lift, tummy tuck, beltplasty or other such procedures, it is important to allow your body to fully recover from the weight loss surgery itself. On the same note, it is important to know when you are emotionally and mentally ready to undergo another surgery and take on the recovery process again.