JAMA Surgery Publishes Study Favoring Weight Loss Surgery Over Diet and Exercise Approach When it Comes to Treating Type-2 Diabetes
A recent study published in JAMA Surgery points to weight-loss surgery being more effective than diet and exercise at treating Type 2 diabetes. The recent study is part of a growing body of evidence pointing to weight loss surgery’s advantage over lifestyle changes in treating maladies involving high blood sugar.
To view JAMA Surgery coverage of the study please visit:
In the trial, 40% of those undergoing a gastric bypass and 29% who received a gastric band were considered in remission from their diabetic condition and were no longer required to continue their diabetes medication after 3 years. The outcome for those solely relying on lifestyle changes were poor, as not a single person in the group “who received intensive lifestyle intervention resolved their diabetes.”
Excerpt from the Wall Street Journal:
Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/weight-loss-surgery-better-than-diet-and-exercise-in-treating-type-2-diabetes-study-finds-1435763877
“I do think it adds strongly to the growing body of data that [surgery] should be considered” to treat people with obesity and diabetes, said Anita Courcoulas, head of minimally invasive bariatric and general surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, who led the study.
However, to conclude firmly that surgery is the better option, data from more patients across several different treatment centers, followed for up to seven years after surgery, is needed, according to Dr. Courcoulas. Her group is conducting such a study, along with researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle, the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston and the Cleveland Clinic.
“In general, I agree that short-term outcomes for bariatric surgery…are more dramatic than that seen with lifestyle intervention,” wrote ane Chiang, senior vice president for medical affairs and community information at the American Diabetes Association, in an email. However, “not everyone is a strong candidate for bariatric surgery.” Treatment should be tailored to each patient, she said.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we believe that surgery and lifestyle changes are both necessary tools to for successful long-term results. Our physicians monitor studies from all perspectives and take the time to consider how their findings affect our patients. In some cases surgery may make more sense than it does in others, and we’ll spend the time with every patient to learn about their unique situation. Our most successful patients are often our most informed patients, so be sure to take the time to understand various perspectives on weight loss surgery to ensure a positive experience and successful long-term outcome.